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More coming soon! To view notes, transcripts and resources from previous events, please see our Resources page.


STAMP Connects 2020 at Shoreditch Town Hall. Video by Rosie Powell.

STAMP Connects 2021 - Tuesday 30 March - Thursday 1 April @ Online

A series of online sessions giving artists the opportunity to participate in professional development discussions and meet venues and organisations to connect and gain an understanding of how they work to support artists. The programme included: an online Marketplace where artists could book 10 minute chats with participating STAMP organisations; funding for independent artists sessions with Arts Council England and other funders; ‘This is where we’re at’ – open conversations with STAMP organisations about how they’re approaching artists support now; a series of professional development discussions focussing on Digital performance, audience development and embedded community engagement. Click here to find the transcripts and audio recordings of the sessions.


The Invisible Producer – Self-Producing Your Own Work - Fri 17 April 2020 @ Online (Zoom), hosted by Blue Elephant Theatre

Are you an artist who produces their own work? Or is considering it? Are you wondering about your next step? Would you like to hear from a panel of artists who self-produce and together bring a wide range of experience and work styles into the mix? Panelists included Natasha Simone, Josie Dale-Jones (This Egg), Paula Varjack and Guillaume Pigé (Theatre Re).


STAMP Connects 2020 - Wednesday 19 February 2020 @ Shoreditch Town Hall

A series of sessions offering practical and inspiring information about how artists can develop their practise with support of London’s theatre organisations, including programming insight sessions, panel discussions and Q+As, fundraising sessions, and a central marketplace in the main Assembly Hall where artists met a range of STAMP organisations and learn more about what they do. (Link to video)


Demystifying Contracts - Fri 29 Nov 2019 @ Ovalhouse, Kennington
Ever wish you’d read the small print? ​Contracts are there to protect you and as the saying goes: ‘you don’t need them, until you need them’. This event covered the knowledge and tools necessary to negotiate contracts that keep you protected. Panelists were Charlotte Bence (Industrial Organiser, Equity), Lesley Gannon (Assistant General Secretary, The Writers Guild) and Sunita Pandya (Director of Arts Administration, Southbank Centre).


On The Road - How to Tour Your Work - Tuesday 11 June 2019 @ Stratford Circus Arts Centre

What is small scale touring and why would you tour your work? How do venues programme and what are they looking for? How do you book a tour and what is the role of a tour producer? How can we make our productions tourable? Panelists included Kate McGrath (Fuel), Laura Woodward (Farnham Maltings/house network), Nassy Konan (BAC), Helen Mugridge (freelance production manager) and Joe Bates (Arts Council England touring lead).


Marketing For Cash and Time-Poor Theatre-Makers - Thursday 25 April 2019 @ Omnibus Theatre

Panelists included Isabel Dixon, Hannah Freeman and David William Bryan. Hints and tips for artists and companies on low cost and efficient ways to market themselves and their shows.


STAMP Connects 2019 - Wednesday 27 February 2019 @ Shoreditch Town Hall

Panellists included Andrew Broadley (MGCfutures), Elinor Cook, Katie Cooper, Chris Foxon (Papatango), Lilli Geissendorfer (Jerwood Arts), Jesse Jones, Alice Massey, Yolanda Mercy, Vinay Patel and Annie Siddons, plus 27 organisations in Programming Insight discussions, sessions with Arts Council England, and a Marketplace featuring 25 venues and organisations


STAMP Network Annual Meeting 2018 - Friday 19 October 2018 @ Pleasance Theatre


For Love or Money - Wednesday 26 September 2018 @ Soho Theatre

Panellists included Cat Harrison (non zero one), David Luff (Soho Theatre) and Yolanda Mercy


Show Me the Money! An Introduction to Fundraising - Thursday 19 July 2018 @ Old Vic

Panellists included Andrew Broadley (MGCfutures), Tim Burley (artsdepot) and Merlyn Taylor (London Community Foundation)


STAMP Connects 2018 - Thursday 1 February 2018 @ Shoreditch Town Hall

Panellists included Inua Ellams, Jenny Sealey (Graeae) and Mike Shepherd (Kneehigh), plus 12 organisations in Programming Insight discussions, sessions with Arts Council England, and a Marketplace featuring 23 venues and organisations. (Link to video)


STAMP Network Annual Meeting 2017 - Tuesday 10 October 2017 @ Arcola Theatre


Commissioning Models - Monday 24 July 2017 @ Barbican Centre


STAMP Producers’ Event - Wednesday 15 March 2017 @ Old Vic


STAMP Artists’ Event - Wednesday 7 December 2016 @ Shoreditch Town Hall

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